Factory reset CPPM

Everything is from the serial console, logged in as appadmin.

Save licensing info

[appadmin@cppm]# show license
Application              : ClearPassPlatform
License key              : -----BEGIN CLEARPASS PLATFORM LICENSE KEY-----
License key type         : Permanent
License added on         : 2022-03-08 18:55:04
Validity                 : <not applicable>
Customer id              : [snip!]
Licensed features        : <not applicable>


The license key may look like a base64 encoding with a header/footer like above, or it might be formatted similar to a Windows license key.

Whatever the case, grab all the output and keep it somewhere safe.

Wipe the database

[appadmin@cppm]# cluster reset-database -f

The -f option (think --force) will wipe any local IP entries in the database, as well as licensing.

Reset and Reboot

[appadmin@cppm]# system factory-reset

According to TAC, this does something close to resetting the database without -f. Notably, it also reboots the box and takes you to the initial setup wizard, so it is probably a good starting place.

Note that after the reboot, the login screen may display a message about upgrading and to not make any config changes. Press Enter occasionally until that message no longer shows before starting. It will take several minutes.